B-20 (NEA) " further believes that students who have resided in the United States for at least five years at the time of high school graduation should be granted amnesty by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, granted legal residency status, and allowed to apply for U.S. citizenship, and that legalization not be used as an incentive for or be dependent on military service." (1980, 2005)
B-21 (NEA) "advocates the implementation of bilingual/bicultural and remedial instructional programs that address the individual instructional needs of migrant students in the United States, regardless of the availability of federal and state funds to support such programs." (1975, 1996)
B-11. Racism, Sexism, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identification Discrimination
". . . Discrimination and stereotyping based on such factors as race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, disability, ethnicity, immigration status, occupation, and religion must be eliminated."
I-19. Migrant Workers (NEA) "is concerned with the plight of migrant workers. The Association supports the efforts of migrant workers to be represented in collective bargaining by the organization of their choice. (1985)"
I-20. Immigration (NEA) "opposes any immigration policy that denies human and/or civil rights or educational opportunities to immigrants and their children regardless of their immigration status, hinders workers’ abilities to organize, imposes excessive fees and fines on those seeking legalization, or criminalizes individuals or groups who support or assist immigrants regardless of their status. (NEA) "also opposes any policy that makes legalization or naturalization dependent upon military service and/or service in a combat zone. The Association condemns such policies as inhumane and discriminatory." (1984, 2007)
New I. César Chávez Day* (NEA) " believes that César Chávez Day should be a state holiday in every state to focus on the importance of human relations. (NEA) " encourages the observance of this day to promote reflection and action for social justice." (2008)
B-10. Racial Diversity Within Student Populations (NEA) "believes that a racially diverse student population is essential for all elementary/secondary schools, colleges, and universities to promote racial acceptance, improve academic performance, and foster a robust exchange of ideas."
I-1 (NEA) "supports the principles stated in the United Nations (UN) Charter and believes that the UN furthers world peace and promotes the rights of all people by preventing war, racism, and genocide." (NEA) "further believes that Education International contributes to peace and international relations by promoting dialogue among the world’s education employees. "
"Delegates adopted the report of the 2007-08 resolutions committee as recommended . . ."