Monday, December 29, 2003


"Despite initial pledges to bring America's borders under control following 9/11, America's elected officials -- including conservative Republicans both inside and outside the Bush Administration -- have advanced programs to reward illegal immigration. Recently, the highest ranking officials charged with protecting Americans from terrorist attacks, including President Bush himself, have been dropping hints that deals are underway to legalize some 13 million "undocumented workers" living among us -- and possibly send Social Security checks south of the border."
. . . "Earlier this year, Secretary of State Colin Powell expressed much the same sentiments when he said that "the Mexicans already here in the United States and making a positive contribution to our economy, and doing a lot for themselves and doing a lot for the American people" deserve some quasi-legal status. The State Department has been hashing out the details of a proposed amnesty or guest worker program with Mexican President Vincente Fox's government since the summer of 2001. The 9/11 attacks effectively placed any such considerations on the back burner, but with the election looming -- and on the heels of the popular but incredibly costly Congressional Medicare "reform" -- it now appears that enough time has passed and enough goodwill has been created within the ranks of Congress to make a de facto amnesty program viable to the Bush Administration. "

Friday, October 31, 2003

Hatch's DREAM bill - or is it a NIGHTMARE?

Commentary from
"Our federal government is considering a bill allowing in-state tuition for illegal alien immigrants. The Dream Act, which allows illegal aliens in-state tuition, is a bad dream being propelled by Senator Orin Hatch of Utah. Ironically, he took an oath to serve American citizens: “To defend and protect from enemies both foreign and domestic." Unfortunately, his record shows a total disregard for immigration laws as well as security and defense of our border with Mexico. Thus, 800,000 illegal aliens cross annually with a total of over 10 million to date." . . .
"The Urban Institute estimates the cost of educating illegal alien children in primary American schools exceeds $5 billion a year. It costs $7.4 billion in ESL, English as a second language, classes. It costs California $2.1 billion for its estimated four million illegal alien residents and their kids. Little wonder the 'Golden State' is $38 billion in debt." . . .
"Can any state afford in-state tuition for every student? There is a specific law on the books, one that states the following: Per Federal Law (Title 8, Chapter 14, Sec. 1623) "An alien who is not lawfully present in the United States shall not be eligible on the basis of residence within a state . . . for any post secondary education benefit unless a citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit."

William Raspberry

Even Liberal columnist recognize the folly of illegal aliens rewards.

"The guy who illegally makes himself at home in my shed may turn out to be a pretty good deal for me. Maybe he keeps the grass cut and the snow shoveled and the porch painted — all for less than I could manage on the "legal" market.
But it doesn't follow that I have to put him in my will or otherwise give him the status of family. Isn't the in-state tuition rate for family?
And even that misses the point, which is: If the federal government fails at its job of keeping the illegals out of the country, why should it fall to the states to pay the costs produced by that failure?
The problem, at bottom, is the inability of the federal government to enforce existing immigration policy and its refusal to reform it. The states are simply stuck with the unhappy result." | Virginia's illegal-alien policy takes long view

Saturday, October 04, 2003


You've heard that aliens only take the low paying jobs, in the year 2001 alone in Utah over 500 "Labor Condition Applications" were made. Here's a RANDOM sample, click to find more. (These would be LEGAL immigrants)





OOccupations In Systems Analysis And ProgrammingO -H-1B- OACE Technologies, Inc.O OOgdenO UT 1 0$19 H 01/10/20010 011/13/030




SDATA BASE ANALYSTS -H-1B- SALBERTSON'S INC.S SSALT LAKE CITYS UT 1 1$65095.99 Y 13/29/20011 13/29/041


RSurveying/Cartographic OccupationsR -H-1B- RALM and AssociatesR RProvoR UT 1 3$2000 M 32/1/20013 31/31/043


Salt Lake City Grapples With Illegal Immigration (ABC News)

Read the Entire article
Many of them come to Utah. Latinos are now the largest minority in the country and in Utah. Between legal and illegal immigrants, 19 percent of Salt Lake City, Utah's capital, is now Latino and some area residents aren't very happy about that.
. . . While many Mexicans are making a choice to break the law in hopes of finding work and a better life in America, many U.S. officials are choosing to look the other way. "Any person in any community knows that you can go to just about any job site in the United States, involving construction, or, or in your fields, or in your hotels, and you can make an arrest. We choose not to, simply, we don't have the resources. And, look, I believe that the Hispanic community is critical to Utah," said Robert Flowers, who headed the Utah Olympic Public Safety Command.

Flowers' point is illustrated by the fact that the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has 22 agents in Utah, while the state's illegal population is nearly 75,000.

If an illegal immigrant is working in America but otherwise living a law-abiding life, the chances are small that authorities will find and arrest the worker, according to Steve Branch, who heads the INS office in Salt Lake City.

The message being sent here is simply this: the federal government and the state of Utah are looking the other way. The economy needs illegal workers and the authorities are not about to go looking for them. It is a message that resonates deep into Mexico, and Mexicans find it irresistible.

. . . Almost every illegal Mexican worker knows the story of President Ronald Reagan and amnesty. In 1986 President Reagan signed a law that gave amnesty to people who had entered the country and were working illegally.

The law required illegal immigrants to register with the government and provide proof they had been in "continuous unlawful residence" in the country for at least five years.

Rep. Tancredo interview

From Insight magazine:
Q: Isn't Mexico responsible for providing jobs for its own people? Why are Americans burdened with providing jobs for Mexicans who don't have them?

A: That's a good question! It should not be a burden the American people have to bear. I'll never forget a conversation I had two years ago in Mexico with Juan Hernandez, who headed up the newly created Ministry of Mexicans Living in the United States.

Hernandez is a very interesting fellow, a dual citizen of the United States and Mexico, and a good friend of presidents Bush and [Vicente] Fox [of Mexico]. I asked about the purpose of the government agency he heads, since I had never heard of such a thing.

He said its purpose is to increase the flow of Mexican nationals to the United States. I asked, "Why?"

"It serves Mexico's needs," he said, and ticked off a list of such things as remittances to Mexico of $10 billion a year, which is 30 percent of the Mexican GDP [gross domestic product]. It provides employment for an exploding population, it alleviates social instability due to rising unemployment and it provides training for Mexicans, ultimately repatriating those skills back to Mexico.

I responded to his final aim - repatriation of trained and skilled Mexicans back into Mexico - and asked, "Then your government would oppose amnesty for the illegal Mexicans in the United States?"

He cried, "Oh no! We support amnesty totally."

I replied, "I don't understand." I assured him that if amnesty were in effect in the United States, then Mexicans would never return. He then said something riveting: "By populating the United States with millions of Hispanics who are tied economically, politically and linguistically to Mexico, we are able to exert enormous influence and pressure on U.S. policy and its dealings with Mexico."

Monday, September 29, 2003

Phyllis Schlafly on Drivers Licenses for Illegals

Driver licenses for illegals is pseudo amnesty
Read the Entire article

. . . A driver license is not merely a license to drive a car. It gives the illegal alien a passport to board a plane, get a job, rent an apartment or car, open a bank account, enter a federal building, apply for social services, travel back and forth across our borders with Mexico and Canada, buy a gun and even register to vote.

. . .U.S. Rep. Chris Cox, R-Calif., calls the new law an "invitation to forgery" for terrorists and criminals. That's because the new system, which lacks any credible identity check, will allow criminals of any nationality to apply for a new license under a phony taxpayer ID number and use it for illegal purposes.

. . . When the 2 million illegal aliens now in California line up for their first-time driver licenses, DMV says it will need "1,000 new positions to be located in 16 new temporary field offices for 12 to 18 months of operation."

. . . Davis ignored the big lesson of Sept. 11, 2001. All 9/11 hijackers had one or more state driver licenses, which enabled them not only to board the fatal planes but also to live and travel in the United States undetected while they plotted their crimes.

. . . A driver license is pseudo amnesty and just about as much sheer lunacy as real amnesty; a driver license confers identity, it is almost a national ID card. The driver license works to erase the distinction between legals and illegals.Congress should pass H.R. 3052, authored by Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Col., to withhold federal highway funds from those states that give licenses to illegal aliens, just as Congress has done to force the states to enact acceptable laws about seat belts, speed limits and the drinking age.
. . .

Comment: DNews can't understand it, but a Reader does!
Stop flow of migrants
Jing Lin, the immigrant "Freedom Rider" you quoted in Friday's article, claimed that "the U.S. is supposed to be a place of equality." No denying that, but it's also supposed to be a place of representative democracy, where elected officials serve their constituents, not themselves.
Lawmakers receive millions in contributions from rich businessmen who profit from the dirt-cheap labor of illegal immigrants. Polls repeatedly show that over 70 percent of Americans want illegal immigration stopped and legal immigration reduced. It makes no sense to allow it when we have 9 million unemployed workers and millions more on welfare.
Bringing immigrants here won't fix their mess. It'll just make it our mess, too. This is one Republican voter that Utah's GOP just lost. Why bother electing "undercover Democrats" when we can elect real ones?

Craig Russell

Making the best of a debacle or - There's too many so we'd better give them MORE
Deseret Morning News editorial, Sep 29,2003

Comment: Deseret News says there's too many illegal aliens, therefore we should just accept them - and pay for their education - and pay for the . . . Why worry it's only the law???!!!!

. . .Many American citizens would like to see the government crack down hard on illegal immigrants and send them packing. The point the Freedom Riders drove home was this: It is now too late to turn back the clock. There are not enough funds, not enough agents and not enough willpower to export or even detain the millions of undocumented workers. At this juncture, all we can control is our attitude toward them and our own future.

. . . Giving a driver's license to an undocumented worker seems patently unfair. But it is also a form of registration that allows officials to monitor foreign nationals who have slipped into the country.

. . . But now must be the time to make the best of it.
Comment: and lay back and enjoy.

Friday, September 26, 2003

Idaho County Commissioner Vasquez slams efforts to aid illegal immigrants

Idaho Statesman
September 25, 2003
By Sandra Forester, The Idaho Statesman

Canyon County Commissioner Robert Vasquez on Wednesday issued a searing condemnation of efforts by Idaho's congressional delegation to support legislation to help illegal immigrants.

"I am accusing Larry Craig, Mike Crapo, Butch Otter and Mike Simpson of
collaborating with the unarmed enemy invading America," Vasquez wrote in
a news release issued on his official commissioner stationery. "All for
a vote to stay in office."

Vasquez opposes proposed legislation that would give undocumented
workers the opportunity to earn permanent legal status. Craig and Sen.
Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., are co-sponsoring such a bill.

Vasquez also said he opposes a proposal to allow children of illegal
immigrants to pay in-state tuition at colleges and universities instead
of higher out-of-state tuition.

The legislation would reward those who have broken laws, he said.
. . .

Fellow Commissioner Matt Beebe said while the news release was sent on
Vasquez's commission letterhead, that doesn't mean its tone or contents
represent the entire commission's views.

"I support the concept. I would not have been so aggressive toward our
congressional delegates," Beebe said. "To validate those who come here
illegally tears down the value of our citizenship."


On Tuesday, September 23, 2003, Sen. Edward Kennedy (D.-Mass.), Rep. Howard Berman (D.-Calif.), Sen. Larry Craig (R.-Idaho), Rep. Chris Cannon (R.-Utah), Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus) held a press conference to announce their introduction of legislation containing a compromise among them and between the United Farm Workers of America (AFL-CIO) and major agribusiness employer organizations. The Farm Labor Organizing Committee (AFL-CIO) and many other farmworker advocacy organizations are taking steps to ensure swift passage of this compromise.
The bill's name is THE AGRICULTURAL JOBS, OPPORTUNITY, BENEFITS AND SECURITY ACT OF 2003 (AGJOBS). In the House of Representatives, its number is H.R. 3142. In the Senate, it is S.1645. In the Senate, there were 9 Republicans 10 Democrats as original cosponsors. To download an analysis of the bill (in pdf format, requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader), click here.

Background info Washington Post
August 20, 2001

'Bush Goes Slow on Immigrant Amnesty'
By Dana Milbank

. . ."What the president said the last time I talked to him is we've got to be careful not to overpromise," said Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah), who is likely to be Bush's point man on immigration in the House. "This is a system with a lot of resistance. He wants change, but he wants it in an orderly, reasonable fashion."
. . . Cannon said he and the administration would not be content to pass a guest worker program that allows Mexicans to work in the United States temporarily without a legalization component.
. . . Next year would come some intermediate steps. Cannon and others have sought ways to extend student visas and other benefits to children of illegal immigrants who have been in American schools for several years.
. . . Also next year will be another attempt to create a guest-worker program for agricultural workers. The most recent effort was blocked last year by Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Tex.), who favors a restrictive version that would require all guest workers to return home.
. . . Bush aides selected Cannon, a junior member of the immigration subcommittee, over more senior lawmakers such as Gekas and Sensenbrenner because of his pro-immigration leanings, people close to the White House say.
. . . Bush officials said that if he doesn't improve on the 35 percent of the Hispanic vote he received in 2000, he will lose in 2004. "This isn't a thing you have to convince the president of," Cannon said. "He's real predictable on these issues."

United Farm Workers Support Cannon's Bill

Support farm workers! E-mail your U.S. senator and representative today and urge support of the new bipartisan legislation for farm worker legalization!
. . .
This bill would (1) create a “legalization” program enabling undocumented farm workers to earn legal immigration if they have been working in the U.S. and continue to work in agriculture for a period of time;

But others oppose:
Support Migrant Farmworkers-- Oppose Craig/Cannon “Guestworker” Proposals
. . . the proposed qualifications for undocumented farmworkers to gain immigration status have been so onerous that few workers would ever prove their eligibility. Without a real legalization program, employers will have a choice of vulnerable job applicants. Some will be exploitable undocumented workers. Others will be “guestworkers,” who, as non-immigrants, lack the freedoms that other workers have, including to choose their employers, and fear the consequences of seeking better job terms or enforcement of labor laws.
. . .
· Undocumented farmworkers should be offered a meaningful path to immigration status and citizenship. The model for this country is, and should be, immigration, not a system of indentured servitude.

Cannon pushes farm workers bill

By Christopher Smith
Read article at: Salt Lake Tribune

WASHINGTON -- Borrowing a page from Sen. Orrin Hatch, Utah Republican Congressman Chris Cannon has joined forces with Democratic liberal standard-bearer Sen. Edward Kennedy to authorize U.S. farmers to hire immigrants who entered the country illegally.
. . . As a temporary U.S. resident, the farmworker legally could be hired by employers, travel abroad and re-enter the United States. They may also work in nonagriculture jobs, provided the bill's requirements for agriculture employment are met.
. . . The measure has 18 co-sponsors in the Senate and has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is chaired by Hatch, Utah's senior GOP senator. Hatch's periodic odd-couple partnerships with Kennedy on Capitol Hill have produced such landmark federal laws as the Children's Healthcare Insurance Program (CHIP) as well as scattershot criticism from conservatives in Washington and Utah who frown on such coziness.

Comment: this will also insure that Utahns will continue to pay for the education, medical costs and other benefits of children of illegal immigrants. Will MORE benefits stem the tide of illegality or promote more???

U.S. Rep. Howard L. Berman (D-CA) today announced the introduction of the Agricultural Jobs, Opportunity, Benefits, and Security Act of 2003, co-authored by Rep. Chris Cannon (R-UT). An identical bill was introduced in the Senate by Senators Larry Craig (R-WY) and Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA).

"I am pleased to join my colleagues in introducing the AGJOBS bill today," said Berman. "This important legislation addresses the harsh reality that the farm workers who plant and harvest the produce that feeds America are the most poorly paid and poorly treated workers in the United States. An intolerable percentage of today's farm labor force is undocumented. Agricultural interests have become dependent upon this cheap and easily exploited work force. Under the provisions of this bill, the growers will have a legalized workforce and they should compete for labor the way other industries do, by improving working conditions and wages to attract and hold an adequate supply of workers."

"Through grueling effort, the United Farm Workers of America and representatives of the agricultural industry . . .

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

In Housing Density, It's Too Close for Comfort
(Comment: Something to look forward to in UTAH)
Los Angeles Times
September 15, 2003

With the most crowded households of any large U.S. city and many of its
dwellings substandard, Santa Ana faces an intractable dilemma: how to
enforce health and safety laws without forcing thousands of residents
onto the street.

Santa Ana's average household size of 4.6 people is, according to the
U.S. census, greater than that of any other U.S. city with a population
of more than 50,000. The average household size in Los Angeles is 2.8;
in New York City, it's 2.6.

* * *
And so the city is caught in the middle of competing tensions. It
attracts poor working families resigned to sharing houses with strangers
and tolerating faulty plumbing and electricity and other deficiencies.
And with diminishing resources, the city tries to enforce codes intended
to protect residents yet which, if strictly enforced, may only worsen
their immediate plight.

In the early 1990s, city officials took a beating from advocates of
immigrants and low-cost housing when they tried to impose occupancy
standards stricter than the state's, which allow 19 people to live in a
950-square-foot home. The city linked density to higher crime,
deteriorated sewers and increased fire hazards.

Indeed, countywide, many renters simply shrug and bear such conditions.
Of the 18,342 complaints received by Orange County's Fair Housing
Council for the year ending June 30, only 9% involved code enforcement
problems. More tenants are concerned about the return of their security

Undocumented immigrants fear deportation if they tattle to authorities. Others worry that if they are evicted by landlords for complaining, or
are ordered out by the city, they will not be able to find another place
to live, or can't come up with the deposit.
Beginning this summer, the state of Utah will provide reparations to all crime victims, regardless of their immigration status. This reverses a six-year-old policy of denying such payments to undocumented immigrants. The statute on which such reparations are based does not make any mention of a person’s immigration status. The victim’s reparation board maintains that because the statute does not outline who can receive payments, the board can determine who can receive benefits.
Utah Drivers License Requirements:

When you first apply for a Utah driver license, you must provide proof of name, date and place of birth and your social security number. Items on the following lists are generally acceptable as proof. At least one form must be from the list of Primary Forms of Identification.

Certification of Naturalization
Certificate of Citizenship
Delayed Birth Certificate*
Driver License issued in the U.S.
Foreign Birth Certificate with Notarized Translation*
Foreign Passport with VISA stamped of attached
I-94 Card of INS I-551 Card
Indian Blood Certificate
Matricular Consular/ID (issued in Utah only)
Resident Alien Card
U.S. Birth Certificate*
U.S. Certificate of Birth Abroad*
U.S. Passport
U.S. Military ID Card or DD-214
*NOTE: Hospital records/certificates will not be accepted.
Demonstrators want licenses for illegal immigrants

Full article at: Atlanta Journal-Constitution Staff Writer

A sign-waving, slogan-shouting crowd demanded Tuesday that the state issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

So far, the Georgia Legislature has declined to extend driving privileges to the state's illegal immigrant population, despite several attempts to push such legislation through. But Tuesday's 150 or so demonstrators at the state Capitol were buoyed by a decision this month in California to allow that state's 1 million illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.
* * *
"I think it's important to make a stand for the rule of law," she said. "The driver's license is a gateway document into American society. It's de-facto amnesty."

State Rep. Curt Thompson (D-Norcross), who said his legislative district is 37 percent Hispanic, attended the rally. Thompson said requiring illegal immigrants to provide proof of an address and a fingerprint can help the government keep track of them. Georgia will have to address the issue soon, he said.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Colorado vs. Utah in handling illegals:
Mexican ID cards welcomed in Utah
"Last month Colorado Gov. Bill Owens signed into law a bill to ban state and local governments from recognizing the Mexican identification cards commonly used by immigrants. The ID, called a matricula consular, is issued by Mexican consulates and helps Mexicans obtain drivers' licenses, open bank accounts and enroll themselves or their children in school. . . . Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt, by contrast, fully supports honoring the Mexican ID. He also endorsed the recently implemented policy of permitting undocumented immigrant students to pay in-state tuition at Utah universities.
Owens, for his part, signed another bill banning such a tuition break."

See Entire Article
Immigrant students press for lower tuition
Provo Herald
WASHINGTON -- Dozens of immigrant students rallied on Capitol Hill on Thursday, seeking support for legislation that would make it easier to afford college even if the students' parents are in the country illegally.
* * *
"Although these children have built their lives here, they have no possibility of achieving and living the American dream. What a tremendous loss for them and what a tremendous loss to our society," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the sponsor of the Senate version of the bill, speaking to more than 40 students from 20 states who traveled to Washington to push Congress to adopt the bill.

Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah, is sponsoring a similar bill in the House. Neither bill has received a committee hearing.
* * *
Other opponents say the legislation would deny citizens spots in colleges, force taxpayers to subsidize the tuition costs of undocumented aliens and encourage illegal immigration by offering the prospect of a college education.

See Entire article

Trojan Horse
By Steve Brown and Chris Coon | September 16, 2003

Governor Gray Davis has opened a significant breech in the nation's Homeland Security by signing a bill allowing illegal immigrants to obtain Drivers Licenses (DLs) that bear the official seal and full governmental authority of the State of California. Sometimes referred to as the “keys to the kingdom,” DLs provide identification, allowing one to open bank accounts, make certain purchases and obtain a job. DLs also serve as the sole ID needed to travel abroad to Mexico, Canada and some Caribbean countries. They allow easy access to air travel and car rentals. It is a requirement for obtaining a firearm. Through the convenience of the Motor/Voter act, obtaining a DL even grants the right to vote, a fundamental right for which generations of American blood has been shed and the one sacrosanct facet of citizenship. But increasingly, even in the post 9/11 atmosphere of heightened security, states are giving away the keys to our country to those who aren’t even citizens, and are in fact, here illegally.

“How can states be allowing illegal immigrants drivers licenses which are, of course, the keys to the kingdom, the passport to American society,” lone immigration reform crusader U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) wondered recently. “How many immigration policies are we going to run in this country? Are we going to let every state in the nation create its own immigration policy? Every city create its own?"

“We’ve had the mayor of Washington, D.C., propose essentially that anybody here, any resident, be able to vote regardless of citizenship status,” Tancredo noted. “This is happening in cities all over the country. This is bizarre to say the least.”

A recent FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) report highlights how states are undermining immigration enforcement and throwing the door wide open to terrorist infiltration. Along with Sanctuary policies mandating non-cooperation between local and federal law enforcement, FAIR cites the issuance of DLs to illegals as one of the key breakdowns in homeland security, a conclusion shared by both the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

“All 19 of the 9/11 terrorists possessed one or more of state driver’s DLs, which they used to blend in, rent apartments, open bank accounts, and, ultimately, to board the airplanes they intended to crash,” the report notes. “The decision by 13 state legislatures and governors to give driver’s DLs to people in this country illegally—people about whom we know nothing—directly hinders federal efforts to address the homeland security threat.”

Entire article:

Friday, September 12, 2003

Part one: Immigration strategy shifts
Rocky Mountain News
September 2, 2003
* * *
Immigration agents have virtually stopped punishing employers of illegal workers. Instead, they are arresting immigrants coming out of jails, packed into smugglers' vans or working at potential terrorist targets.

Immigration officials won't say how many agents left for workplace investigations, citing security. But in the three-state Denver region - Colorado, Wyoming and Utah - there were only five even before 9-11.
* * *
In March, the INS was split in two. Agents who processed legal immigrants' paperwork went to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. Enforcement agents ended up in the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, commonly called ICE. Both were moved to the new Department of Homeland Security.

Locally, ICE agents said arrests of people in the country illegally have soared in the past four years, from 920 to 12,183, in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming alone. They attribute the increase, in part, to the addition of Quick Response Teams in five cities to pick up smuggled foreigners caught on the highways.
California Licensing Law Produces GOP Rage in Washington
( - Political opposition to the practice of handing out driver's licenses to illegal immigrants is growing in Washington, especially in light of a new law signed by California Democratic Gov. Gray Davis on Sept. 5.

Wednesday, less than a week after signing the law granting illegal immigrants in the nation's largest state the ability to obtain driver's licenses, Davis received a letter from all 19 Republicans representing California in the U.S. House condemning the action.
* * *
According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), 14 states currently allow illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses: Alaska, Connecticut, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Washington and West Virginia.

"If states allow illegal aliens to have valid drivers' licenses, then they're giving them the keys to the kingdom and endangering the lives of millions of innocent American families. Withholding highway funds is an effective tool to coerce the states into taking action on issues that directly affect the public safety," Dave Ray, FAIR spokesperson, told

Entire article

Monday, September 08, 2003

ITIN, Licenses and DREAM act
Washington Times
Six states — Kansas, Kentucky, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Utah — accept the ITIN card as proper identification for a driver's license.

... Many youngsters find themselves caught in a Catch-22 situation," the
Utah ... As illegal ... The Development, Relief and Education for Alien
Minors (DREAM) Act would ...

Currently, eight states have passed laws granting in-state tuition benefits to illegal immigrants — Texas, Utah, California, New York, Washington, Illinois, New Mexico and Oklahoma — skirting the 1996 federal ban by using criteria other than residency. Nine other states are considering extending the benefit.

See Entire Article

Saturday, September 06, 2003

Too Many Visas for Techies?
Programs that favor high-skilled workers from overseas at the expense of Americans are coming under scrutiny
Bob Simoni has been fuming ever since Toshiba America (TOSBF ) replaced him last year with a foreign worker. Simoni recently found a short-term gig, but he wants Congress to do something about the H1B visa program that allows companies to bring in skilled foreign workers. The 39-year-old software engineer says he lost his job to such a person, in his case an Indian. Toshiba says the outsourcing of jobs "enables us to be more efficient." But to add insult to injury, says Simoni, Toshiba asked him to train his replacement: "I never thought this could happen in my field."

A battle is brewing over foreign professionals in America. On one side are people like Simoni, who say visas created for specialized workers such as the H1B and the L1 -- granted to foreign employees transferred to U.S. operations -- are being used to bring in rank-and-filers on the cheap. On the other side are multinationals and such groups as the American Electronics Assn. in Washington. They argue that strangling the visa program could undermine U.S. competitiveness and prompt American employers to send more jobs overseas. Says AEA President William T. Archey: "We still want to have access to the best talent."
See Entire Article

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Leaders ignoring laws
President Bush has signed into law the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act. We have patrol workers guarding our borders. Our problem is with state and federal leaders who ignore our laws and our efforts.
Congress has passed a law banning illegal aliens from receiving college tuition at in-state rates. Our governor, attorney general and university president didn't like it, so they ignored it.
It's the policy to expect driver's license applicants to pass certain requirements. Now comes a card accepted by our state driver's license division that is issued in a foreign country giving illegals permission to drive.
Our leaders can't do enough for votes.
We need new leaders who will protect our rule of law.

Earl Philip Morgan
Salt Lake City
Deseret News Letter Sunday, 24 August

Saturday, August 09, 2003

Voucher to aid in health coverage
Deseret News
* * * About 199,000 Utahns — 8.7 percent — don't have health insurance coverage, according to 2001 Health Status Survey. The vast majority of them — about 145,000 — are adults, an issue that Gov. Mike Leavitt and Health Department director Rod Betit have been working on fixing for some time. PCN programs, including Covered at Work, were created to reduce the number of uninsured working adults by about 25,000 or 16.5 percent. Each of the state's low-income health assistance programs, in fact, targets a different segment of the uninsured population.
* * *
You can apply for PCN Covered at Work online at
* * *
SL Trib had a similar article earlier

From the PCN website application:
"I assure that I am a U.S. citizen or alien in lawful immigration status. I also assure that if this application is requesting benefits for my spouse, that he/she is also a U.S. citizen or alien in lawful immigration status. The Department of Health will verify alien registration numbers with the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). The Department of Health will not report undocumented household members to the INS."

"Voter Registration
(PCN is required by law to provide you with the following option)

If you are not registered to vote where you live now, would you like to apply to register?
Yes No (If yes, a voter registration application will be mailed to you.)"

Is This new voucher another attempt to provide more benefits to illegals with no "stigma" attached. All that is required to get the voucher is to check a box "assuring" citizenship.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Cannon on Matricula Card
Despite Rep. Chris Cannon's pride in Utah's acceptance of the Matricula: ( "We love immigrants in Utah. And we don't oftentimes make the distinction between legal and illegal. In fact I think Utah was the first state in the country to legislate the ability to get a drivers license based on the matricula consular and of that I am proud." Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah), MALDEF award ceremony, June 6, 2002 ), an interesting new insight into the Matricula Consular ID card has come forth from the US House:

10 July 2003 WASHINGTON - Citing recent Administration testimony on the criminal and terrorist threats caused by greater U.S. acceptance of Mexican consular identification cards, or matriculas consular, Members of Congress responsible for homeland security and law enforcement oversight today urged Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge to “act decisively” in dealing with the issue. The Department of Homeland Security is playing a key role in the Adminstration's attempts to craft a policy for dealing with consular identification cards. While these documents have been issued by foreign countries to their nationals living abroad for over 100 years, only since March 2002, foreign consular agents in the United States have been lobbying States and localities to accept them for identification purposes.

Sending today’s letter to Secretary Ridge were House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Christopher Cox (R-Calif.), House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.), House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) and House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security Chairman Harold Rogers (R-Ky.).

"Despite the widespread acceptance of these cards, however, it appears that they are neither reliable nor secure....There are several aspects to the criminal threat posed by the matricula according to the FBI. The matricula 'can be a perfect breeder document for establishing a false identity,' and therefore can be used to facilitate a variety of crimes, 'from money laundering to check fraud.' A false identity can also be used by a criminal seeking to conceal his or her true identity....These threats were in addition to the potential use of the cards to transfer terrorist funds, an activity facilitated by the use of false identities," the lawmakers wrote.

"Acceptance of the matricula hinders domestic investigations....This issue is of increasing concern to us as numerous other nations consider the use of consular identification cards for their citizens residing in the United States. Any federal government acceptance of unreliable identification cards from persons resident in the United States compromises our homeland security. We hope that you act decisively in response to the homeland security concerns associated with domestic acceptance of consular identification cards," added the lawmakers.

An executive branch interagency task force has been meeting regularly since January, 2003 to establish a unified federal policy addressing whether foreign government issued consular identification cards should be considered acceptable for identification purposes. The final policy will govern how federal agencies act with regard to individuals presenting the cards, and the federal policy will have an implicit effect on how most States view these cards.

The full letter is at

Comment: But is Congressman Cannon changing his mind??

"While issuing foreign identification cards is helpful for a government to recognize its own citizens, the validity of many of these cards, such as the Matricula Consular, can easily be questioned. While the Mexican government has taken measures to improve the card and to protect it from fraudulent activity, their origin and authenticity are often difficult to prove. The American government does not have access to authentication databases and in fact, many governments do not maintain electronic databases to track their cards." Rep. Chris Cannon 4 April 03

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Disobeying the Law puts dream in reach
Deseret News - My View
The article "Law puts dream in reach" (Deseret News, 6/3) presents a very rosy picture of the young lady now being able to obtain an education - at taxpayer’s expense. I congratulate her for her success and wish her good luck in her endeavors. It does appear, though, that the correct title for the article should be "Disobeying the Law puts dream in reach."

While her situation is certainly not her fault, as she was brought here illegally by her parents; the problem is not with this one individual but with the entire idea of granting group rights and thereby encouraging further disobedience to the law.

Some of the basic tenets of America are the "Rule of Law" and protection of individual rights. Granting special rights and rewards to groups of people for successfully disobeying a law, creates disrespect for ALL laws. Further disrespect for the law seems to have been displayed by the state of Utah, which apparently disregarded Federal Law (Title 8, Chapter 14, Sec. 1623) which states: "an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States shall not be eligible on the basis of residence within a State ... for any postsecondary education benefit unless a citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit." Or perhaps, all Californians are now eligible for resident tuition?

Congressman Chris Cannon supports a law change to allow illegals resident tuition, reportedly on the basis of "States’ Rights." According to the Deseret News, Senator Hatch is not only attempting to change the federal law, but also grant citizenship to illegal aliens who graduate from high school.

In 1986, the United States granted a supposed, one-time "amnesty" to nearly 3 million illegal aliens residing in the America. Did this solve the problem? No, it merely granted hope to anyone who could illegally gain entry in the country in the future, who could stay long enough for the next amnesty. President Bush, prior to 9/11, was floating trial balloons for a similar amnesty and the will probably return.

While "Colorado Gov. Bill Owens signed into law a bill to ban state and local governments from recognizing the Mexican identification cards commonly used by immigrants," Utah Governor Mike Leavitt "fully supports honoring the Mexican ID. He also endorsed the recently implemented policy of permitting undocumented immigrant students to pay in-state tuition at Utah universities. (Colorado Governor) Owens, for his part, signed another bill banning such a tuition break." (Deseret News, 6/4)

What has happened to the Government’s protection of our borders and control of immigration? Utah's top immigration enforcer, Steve Branch, of the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement is quoted saying "We're not going to go pick up those (illegal) workers. We're not going to detain them or even put them in proceedings," (Deseret News 6/4) Public Safety Commissioner Robert Flowers indicates it’s not the responsibility of Utah State Troopers to check citizenship. Flowers says "I don't think it's possible to deport everyone who's in our country illegally. Do you?" Extrapolating that philosophy, someone may suggest that, because speeding is so rampant and uncontrollable, perhaps troopers should give out Happy Meals rather than tickets. (Rewarding the lawbreaker.)

Legal immigration is also a problem, changes in 1965 drastically increased legal immigration. Rep. Tancredo of Colorado has introduced a bill to cut annual legal immigration from 1 million a year to around 300,000 for five years. H.R. 946, the Mass Immigration Reduction Act of 2003, would cut several categories and eliminate chain migration of extended adult family members and the visa lottery. These reductions would be a major step toward stopping U.S. population growth projected to hit 420 million by 2050. (

IF we truly want to help "Utah's poster child for HB144" and, indeed, all of Mexico, perhaps we would contact the charitable interests in Utah to provide similarly situated individuals with tuition to a college in Mexico where they could use their language to more easily learn, and subsequent education to assist the advancement of the citizenry of Mexico.

Utahns, and Americans in general, are extremely charitable, helpful and friendly people. To an incredible extent, Americans are the benefactors to multitudes of the world’s poverty through private charity and tax supported government aid. Utahns will continue to treat those residing among us with respect, friendship and assistance, but it is one of the proper function of government to protect individual rights, which must include the defense of our borders against illegal intrusion.

Illegal immigrant "Amnesty" is a ‘slap in the face’ to all those who patiently try to obtain residence in the United States LEGALLY - of whom there are many! It is an affront to those who DID obey the law, followed the procedures and became citizens in the process. Or shall we tell all of our European friends and relatives to move here immediately because we now have free and open borders for everyone?

If my neighbor leaves the door to his home unlocked and a family moves into his living room, should the neighbor be responsible for feeding them and educating his children? The difference is only in the scope of the problem.

Monday, June 16, 2003

'Raids' not a priority of immigration officials
Deseret News
* * * With an estimated 75,000 illegal immigrants living in Utah, ICE isn't about to round up so much as a fraction, Branch said. Yet he often hears allegations that his agents are plotting "raids." Large-scale busts of undocumented workers "are not going to be the norm; there are too many of them," he said.
* * *
At immigration detention centers across the country, some 22,000 people are jailed on any given day, according to Branch. That's a tiny dent in the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Yet filling those detention centers is not his agents' top priority. Detaining one person costs about $50 a day; multiply that by 22,000 and "that's quite an expense to the taxpayers."

See entire Article